3 min read

Some thoughts on FIGMENT

Some thoughts on FIGMENT
Jo Chew and Amber Koroluk-Stephenson, Lodestar, 2023

Figment, though it came and went some months ago, has stayed with me. It was a truly singular exhibition with a notable team: Jo Chew and Amber Koroluk-Stephenson are certainly some of the best artists working locally, Eliza Burke has established herself as one of the states finest curators of art, so much so I that now expect anything she’s involved with to be an essential visit, and Maria Kunda, who while not so active in recent years, is impeccable as a curator and essayist. Nonetheless, the whole was greater than the sum of it parts and had intellectual clout and superlative attention to detail. Take the screens paintings were hung on to get around the problem of heritage[1]: these were constructed by Ben Grieve-Johnson, an expert local furniture maker, and incorporated what we know as The Golden Mean, which is synonymous with a notion of visual harmony in art.

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