7 min read


Some work takes time before I find it. Sometimes I have problems. What am I missing? Is there anything to miss? Is that really it? Is that all there is? I have had much to consider with the work of Micheila Petersfield. I’ve had problems.
MICHEILA PETERSFIELD, You're Hiding Something From Me, 2024. Oil on canvas 90 x 135 cm.

Micheila Petersfield

3 – 27 April

The question, for me, of whether or not I like any work of art has become a bit redundant. I certainly find some work appealing, I don’t click with other art, there’s some stuff I can’t find a way into at all, and there’s art I am yet to make up my mind about.

Do I have to make up mind and offer a definitive take on every single work I encounter? I’ve decided I don’t, as it happens, and that it’s fine for me to be still considering the output of an artist for years.

Some work takes time before I find it. Sometimes I have problems. What am I missing? Is there anything to miss? Is that really it? Is that all there is?

I have had much to consider with the work of Micheila Petersfield. I have not gotten to the bottom of it, and rather than find that a stumbling block, I decided that was interesting. I’ve had problems.

I’m not sure I like this, I said to someone. The respondent, a man, said something like:

"it's really slick photography, pretty girl, what’s not to like?"

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