1 min read

What's on: a little update

What's on: a little update
Pip Stafford, farmers market circa 2009, digitised trip35 film photograph.

There's been no 'what's on' for October or November. Our apologies if this has caused you to drift in the art-wilds for weeks. One reason is because Pip (who does the uploading and editing and maintaining of data and pressing submit on things) has been away, the other is because after a couple of months we realised we needed to work out a better and more streamlined way of making that particular bit of content.

Stay tuned for What's On 2.0 coming soon.

In the meantime, here's a link to email your government to let them know you want them to support a ceasefire in Palestine. Constance Ari is also hosting Olive Branch, 'a series of post-rally gatherings to support local community protesting and resisting for a free Palestine' in collaboration with TPAN and Earthside Exchange.

We appreciate so much everyone who shares and gives feedback on each bit of writing. Please tell your friends by giving them this link.

We've had some really kind and enthusiastic feedback about the writing on Georgia Lucy's Galileo Chew Chew released last week for paid subscribers. Thank you.

Here's a snippet...

I thought of the vision of the glass church from Peter Carey’s Oscar and Lucinda, I thought of Dorothy being blown to Oz, I thought of Baba Yaga’s Dancing Hut, I thought of all these things, and they were all fair summations of that which the Brisbane Hotel contained or was at certain points in its existence. Follow the yellow brick road, good gossip, mind your manners when addressing powerful witches, and praise the Lord.
I am fairly sure I laughed out loud when I saw this art. I was instantly seduced. What a corker. That the floating pub then wafted past wall-mounted guitars and, due to the precise placement of a bit of actual souvenired beer line tubing, actually strummed the guitars and made a noise. This was marvellous, but also captured something utterly essential: the pub made sounds.